IMD IPD mind meld

Monday, October 30, 2006

Why can be not just create O-Zone? (Environmental Design)

Hello all! As there were no lectures that I could Blog productively on, I have decided to do one on the current debate on the Environment.

The government has plans to tax the car user soooo much in the future to the extent that people stop people using cars at all! This as a view of having no cars on the road is great....all fine...but what are we supposed to do without them? Plus this will effect only the mass less wealthy people and not the wealthy ones who it is the main aim to cut down.

My view on this is that the Government is taking this the wrong way. It is taxing so that people leave their cars. But their is no alternative. The transport system in the U.K. is really bad and expensive. So that is not the alternative.I own a bike. It is impossible to ride on the roads without atleast one time in your journey a "fat cat" in his Landrover beeps you and almost runs you over. So that is dangerous. Walking? Do you know how long it takes! In our busy life style we donot have the time to spend walking to places such as school, activity centres, work, shops etc. Plus are the streets safe for your children to walk on? With paedophilia on the increase and the prisoner re-offending rate increasing would it be wise? There is no other transport option. That is where design must step in....Why have a car at all! Why try producing a car which runs on electricity but takes more energy and pollution making it (Honda Prius)! Why not have a Chuklevision cart using the mechanics knowledge of gears to make things easier?

The taxation on energy is also stupid. Taxation on the humble washing machine and light bulb! What is the alternative, the government are not doing enough...they say they are to implement 20% renewable energyby a fluctuating time. So why 20% renewable energy and 100% tax? It's just out of proportion. What about the government's street lighting? Is it necessary in some areas? Do they have to be soo close together. Do they use energy efficient LED's instead of Bulbs?

So what difference will it make if all polluting transportation in the U.K. were banned. A recent report reveals that China will increase their pollution production to replace our saving in just 76 days!

So to the title question. Why in a day and age where science is developing so fast have we not yet found a way of creating/repairing the o-zone layer. If you can clone the cells of a human being can you not make a simple gas. If it is complicated why not clone the gas!...or something beacuse that is a short term fix that we need if the world is to survive.

Maybe it's just me and the process is actually more difficult....following the theory of my last blog , why has the cure for cancer and aids not here? Why is the o-zone layer not repairable? Maybe the answer is that our brains are reaching a peak or has peaked in history with minds such as Einstein, Newton & Brunel and now we are having to adopt so much more thinking that we cannot cope with the harder/high thatquantity of challenges are to follow.

This is an important issue....please comment even if you agree, disagree or have no veiw at all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting points you make there, Don. What's your take on the voters voting AGAINST fortnightly bin collections in the Bolton Borough, despite it costing them more money to bring weekly bin collections back and ultimately meaning taxes have to be raised, which will annoy the general public?

12:53 PM  
Blogger DonLobania said...

That is a domestic issue that again has to filter out through to the designer and the supermarkets. It's not the people's fault they just have too much rubbish and it's not the council's fault cos services cost money.

The designer must find an environmentally friendly space saving way to package food in order for the problem to be resolved and companies such as Tesco willing to adopt this as a way to save the environmet even if it does effect a little amount on their huge profits.

12:58 PM  
Blogger DonLobania said...

Well done chris you can see the passion that you have with cars which has influenced this response.

The petrol taxing is a good idea but the government already tax's us on fuel and it will become the normal expense of driving adopted and will not be seen as a deterant for driving.(I Fear)

Another point of the o-zone repairing itself is a real interesting one. I have not reads that and i might research that and make a blog on it. But i'm glad you picked up on the increasing population of the world. As china is becoming more wealthy and population increasing at a fonominal rate all over the world the resources are running out and c02 is being produced in an extraordinary increasing pace. Some sort of global population control must take place as i have heard that the world will be over populated by the year 2050 by a university (of dundee) lecturer who gave a talk on my forensic science friend.

Good comment....need more on my other will make you think.


4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right that taxing car without providing an improved transportation system can be asking for trouble.

If you are interested in the environment and clean technology, I have written a post that you may find interesting.


6:25 PM  

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